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Elizabeth M. Davy, LCSW
Elizabeth Davy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the State of Illinois.
Elizabeth received her Master’s degree in Social Work from the University of Michigan in 1987.
In addition to treating children, adolescents and adults with depression and anxiety, Elizabeth has extensive training and experience in play therapy, particularly with children who have witnessed or directly experienced trauma (including childhood sexual abuse, parental murder, parental suicide, and child pornography), and chronic illness including childhood cancer and diabetes. Elizabeth is developing an expertise with children who express gender variance, and serves on the Lurie Children’s Hospital Gender-affirming Clinicians’ Collaborative. Elizabeth enjoys working with women around issues of stress management, life balance and meaning, and with families, especially those who are experiencing the challenges of second marriages and blended families. Elizabeth has also developed a specialty with Older Adults and their caregivers, and is a Medicare provider. In addition, Elizabeth feels passionate about her therapy and supervision work with other therapists who are experiencing compassion fatigue, an area of special interest to her.
Throughout her career, Elizabeth has been employed as a therapist and administrator in the United States and Great Britain. Prior to opening her private practice, Elizabeth was the Director at Centennial Counseling Center in Yorkville and the Clinical Director at Family Counseling Service of Aurora. She has been published, has worked in residential and in-patient settings, and has held adjunct faculty positions as a field instructor for several universities and colleges. Besides her clinical work, Elizabeth enjoys teaching at Loyola University of Chicago in their graduate school of Social Work.
Contact: Elizabeth Davy
330 North Division Drive
Suite J
Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554
Phone Number: (630) 277-8361
Fax Number: (630) 277-8362
Email Address: