Listing by Company Name: A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R S V W

Accredited Data Centers, Inc.
Accredited Data Centers is a leader in business related technology. From Network management and software integration, to Cyber Security and virus removal, ADC is a single source solution provider focusing on small to medium businesses. With decades of experience, ADC will provide you with central management of all services, balance the use of local hardware and cloud-based services, and make sure your data is properly secured and backed up. Whether you need I.T. services, a new phone solution, cameras, or low voltage wiring, ADC can partner with you to get the most out of your budget.
Contact: Jeff Corirossi
32 S. Main Street
Ste. A
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
Phone Number: 630-277-8892
Fax Number: 630-277-8894
Email Address:

Bo Smith, The Connection Coach
Building trusted relationships is the backbone of any business or nonprofit. Creating genuine connections with others is one of the most important aspects of your marketing, and a key to your revenue growth. I’ve been building authentic relationships with business and nonprofit leaders in Chicagoland for 30 years, and I can teach you how to do it, too.
What are some questions you may have?: Who are your decisionmakers? Where can you find them? Are there organizations you should get involved with? What events should you attend? How do you find quality referrals? How can you make your business more visible?
I can help you with answers to these questions and more. Call for a free 20 minute consultation at 630-263-9512.
Contact: Bo Smith
641 Nichole Ln.
641 Nichole Ln
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone Number: 6302639512
Email Address:

LFC Managed Solutions
LFC Managed Solutions provides IT consulting, engineering and management. We monitor system security, backups, and hardware for our small business customers, providing them with a virtual IT department at a low cost. Whether you have 1 workstation or 50, we can provide a solution for you.
Contact: Lincoln Ekle
130 N Depot St
P.O. Box 337
Somonauk, Illinois 60552
Phone Number: (815) 498-4425
Email Address:

Progressive Business Solutions
Energy Procurement and Consulting, Solar Project Development,, POS System Sales and Credit Card Processing
Contact: Dick Bakala
41 Hillcrest Dr
Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554
Phone Number: (630) 330-9937
Fax Number: (630) 466-2066
Email Address: