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St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Church
St. Katharine Drexel Parish has been in existence over two years and is now home to over 440 registered families. Current registration in the Religious Education program boasts 200 students pre-school through high school. In the parishes’ short history there have been 48 baptisms, 9 weddings, 22 first Holy Communions (with 34 more scheduled for this Spring), 43 confirmations and 15 funerals. Last year, 5 adults entered the Catholic Church through the parish’s RCIA formation process, and 4 more adults are presently preparing for this year’s Easter Vigil.
Contact: Stephanie Heusinger
8S055 Dugan Rd.
P.O Box 1189
Sugar Grove, Illinois 60554
Phone Number: (630) 466-0303
Fax Number: (630) 466-0333
Email Address:

Sugar Grove United Methodist Church
We are the local Methodist church.
Contact: Joe Munro
176 Main St
176 Main St
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
Phone Number: 630-466-4501
Email Address: